Tuesday, November 25, 2008

a tag from courtnie...

This one was a challenge for me. I have THE WORST MEMORY!! So here goes...

Five things I was doing ten years ago:
1. Preparing myself to meet my hubby-to-be
2. Living in Holladay, Utah
3. Working at my first "real" paralegal job
4. Living up the single life
5. Going to school at the U

Five things on my to-do list today:
1. Tackle the laundry
2. Tackle cleaning the rest of the house
3. Shop for thanksgiving
4. Play with the kiddies and tell them I love them
5. Get some work/photoshop time in on the computer

Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Crackers
2. String Cheese
3. Pretzels
4. Trail Mix
5. Granola bars
Yes, these might sound healthy, but the large quantities I consume equal my extra poundage!

Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Pay off my house
2. Pay off our relatives' houses
3. Pay off the rest of our bills
4. Save for a rainy day
5. Take a fun trip!

Five places I have lived:
1. Layton, Utah
2. Orem, Utah
3. Provo, Utah
4. Salt Lake City, Utah
5. North Ogden, Utah
(I'm a Utah gal through-and-through!)

Five jobs I have had: (this is where it gets embarrassing)
1. J.C. Penney
2. Vanity
3. Old Navy
4. Tanning Salon
5. Last but not least, the hot dog stand at Sam's Club!

Five people I tag:
1. Brooke S.
2. Sandra D.
3. Ellie R.
4. Lindsay B.
5. Candace T.
(In other words, the only people who look at my blog on occasion!!!)


Sandra Dubreuil said...

hmmm...i'm going to have to actually think in order to complete this tag:)

Lindsay said...

remember when you wanted to be a manager at vanity? haha. this is a great list, good job on remembering 10 years ago - i will have a hard time with that.

Courtnie said...

You eat healthy snacks! I will remember that..if you ever get filthy rich my house will get paid off! Thanks!:) That was fun reading about yourself! Thanks for doing that!