Tuesday, January 12, 2010


For some reason, Chance was nervous this year that Santa was going to bring him a lump of coal.  Funny thing is, this has probably been his best year of behavior since he was born!!  He kept saying that he was going to check everyone's stocking on Christmas morning to see if it had a lump of coal in it.  He really was pretty paranoid about it!  Lucky for all of us, Santa didn't bring coal this year.  It was the year of the Snuggie, electric scooter, giant doll house, "American Girl" doll, and BYU.  We all know that Santa had to bring BYU stuff because Mom doesn't believe in BYU.  The BYU uniform was worn the entire Christmas day - helmet and all.

Santa brought Shawn some Jazz/Laker tickets for the February game.  Since the tickets were from Santa, Shawn was able to choose anyone he would like to take to the game.  However, he didn't really have a choice - Chance placed dibs on the tickets by exclaiming, "Dad!  That will be such a good game for us to see!"  Luckily I got to see a Jazz game on the day before my birthday so my feelings weren't hurt - well, maybe a little.  Guess I've gotta get used to this male bonding thing.  :)  Shawn bought me some really cute clothes and some new black boots that are nicer than any boots I would have ever bought for myself.  Not to mention a trip to Hawaii!  We're headed to Oahu in March!  I opened my stocking and found a hand-drawn picture of Shawn surfing yelling "Kowabunga!" and me laying out on the beach.  It was hilarious.  What got into him this year?  He can't keep up at this pace.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

OOPS, I made a mistake...
Okay, so the most romantic gift might not have been from my husband after all.  Although his was a close second.  :)  And my husband DID surprise me with a similar gift a few years ago, so I've gotta give the guy credit for that.  HOWEVER, the award for the most romantic gift goes to my dad!  He bought my mom a new piano!  She has always wanted a black, Yamaha upright.  So a couple weeks before Christmas, he gave me the go ahead to pick one out.  We were trying to get my mom of the house so that the piano could be delivered while she was gone, then just have it sitting there in her living room when she returned.  But this was harder than it might sound!  My sister Lindsay asked her to go to lunch with her - she declined.  Then my sister Stephanie asked her to go shopping - she declined.  We were running out of ideas to get her out of the house, so about 1/2 hour before the delivery was going to take place my sister Stephanie called and told my mom that her car had broken down (she has a new car so it was a little far-fetched, but still...) and she needed someone to come pick her up.  She even declined that!!  So Mom was in her room blowdrying her hair when the piano delivery people came.  It worked out perfectly!  It was hillarious - she didn't hear a thing!  It was a great surprise.  I have it recorded on video, but my sister has this awesome picture that is priceless.  What a romantic and thoughtful dad I have!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

another successful christmas eve

Highlighted presents - leather blazer and camoflague vest for my dad, Joseph Smith book and piano light [to match the NEW PIANO! pictures to come...] for my mom, lots of money for we girls (husbands won't see much of that!), too-many-to-count pairs of shoes for Steph, Bella the dog, zhu zhu pets, barbies for the girls, circuit sets for the boys, and an exer-saucer for Lily.  And, of course, the award to the most romantic gift goes to MY HUSBAND!  Not to mention the most unexpected gift!  haha

Until next year...  egg nog, anyone?
Too much holiday excitement and a Snuggie may cause drowsiness...