Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Life with a baby

Wow! My life (I should say "our lives") have been turned upside down! West likes to be up all night and sleep all day. Why do I not remember my other two kids doing that? There's a lot I don't remember! I think it would be fine but I have again contracted my weird, post-partum sickness that involves chills, aches, and fevers. Poor Shawn had to stay up with the baby the other night because I literally could not move! A 2:00 a.m. bedtime and a 5:00 a.m. alarm clock do not go together well, I felt so bad for him. It's been an adjustment for us, needless to say. I am continuing to take ibuprofen and other meds to keep my fevers away, but I'm also on an antibiotic that will hopefully get rid of any other weirdness. I was allergic to my first antibiotic - my right eye swelled up HUGE! I actually took a picture of it but I don't dare show anyone. It is hideous, it looks like I was punched in the eye. Maybe someday I'll be normal again. Then again, maybe not! It feels like it's been forever since I've been without some sort of ailment. Then, if it's not me feeling like I'm going to die, my car either won't start or move out of "Park." Or Rags runs away. Or Hannah doesn't make it home after school and I think she's been kidnapped. Augh! So I just cry and eventually move on.

On the bright side, I took West to the doctor yesterday and he'd gained one full pound! He was born 6 lbs. 9 oz. and now he is 7 lbs. 10 oz., which is what Chance weighed when he was born! He's in the 20% for height, weight and head. I've never had a kid that small. I'm sure he'll catch up though, he's quite an eater! Things could be worse - luckily West is a healthy, happy kid. We love him to death. He looks nothing like me, but a lot like his dad. Which is just fine with me.

Another bright side moment - Hannah lost her first tooth! It has been loose for a long time. The other day I looked in her mouth and saw that her new tooth was actually growing in behind her loose one! I had to pull "tough love" and yank her loose one out while she cried and fought me! I know, I'm so mean!! But afterward she was so happy and proud to have lost her first tooth!

And I can't forget to mention Thanksgiving - I wasn't too excited to go because I didn't feel good and was so tired, but once I got there I was so happy to be there!! We went to my mom's house this year, who again outdid herself by cooking the entire Thanksgiving feast on her own. She wouldn't let me bring anything. It was THE BEST!! The turkey was so moist and my favorites (yams, shrimp dip, cheesy cauliflower) were cooked to perfection. I love Thanksgiving - no worry about gifts, just fun and family. We were so happy to have Jason, Lindsay and Lily there - they haven't been to a Utah Thanksgiving dinner for a few years! After dinner we played Scrabble, and even though I was drugged I took second place -- LUCKY for me. The self-proclaimed Scrabble queens (my mom and sisters) love to play me because I am so easy to beat!!