Monday, February 09, 2009

Happy Hannah
Since Hannah loved her new Matilda Jane dress so much and I thought her pictures turned out cute (call me vain, I know! I'm just a proud mom...) I e-mailed a picture of her to the company just to say "thank you" and they posted her on their blog!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

New pictures...
I'm weird, that's a given. But I bought a bunch of clothes for Hannah for the sole reason of taking her pictures in them! Check out: I think she looks cute, even though she was described as "earthy" by my hub, so maybe I'll put her in them for other occasions... But what do I do about Chance and taking pictures of him? Boys are just no fun to shop for. T-shirt and jeans, or t-shirt and jeans? Or how about this - a t-shirt and jeans?