Sunday, September 27, 2009

church callings and other ramblings...
Shawn's dad was called to be bishop of his ward today. I wasn't going to tell Chance why we were going to grandma and grandpa's ward, so I just told him we were going because something special was going to happen to Papa Bryan. "So, he's going to be the new bishop?" Chance replies. "Uh...yes," I respond, "but don't tell anyone." So during the entire first part of sacrament meeting, Chance is continually asking me, "Is grandpa bishop yet? When is he going to be bishop?" I'm hoping no one around us can hear him, as Chance lacks the physical ability to whisper! Finally, Bryan is sustained as bishop. Chance leans over to tell me, "from now on, I'm going to give my tithing to Grandpa Bryan instead of our bishop." Then he asks, "how do I become a bishop?" It's crazy the questions I have to try to answer for this kid! In family home evening we were talking about apostles, and Chance asks, "how do I become an apostle?" Seriously, how do you answer a question like that? We just told him to keep being a good kid. He is so funny.

I can't imagine being called to the bishopric. Of course, I will never have that opportunity, but the weight of the ward on my shoulders would be something I don't think I could handle! When the bishop was released, he bore his testimony and mentioned that as he was released, he felt, physically, as if a vest or coat was lifted from his body. Bryan now has that weight, or coat, put upon his shoulders, but I know he will do the best job he possibly can. Right now I am serving as a teacher in the Relief Society. It is very, what's the word...humbling. I enjoy the call because I have learned a lot, but I always feel most comfortable hiding behind the piano! Oh well.

My friend Lori's dad passed away this last Wednesday. He died suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. He was the coach for Bonneville High School's football team for over 30 years, so Friday night they had a game at Bonneville in honor of him. We went to the football game and it was a lot of fun! It was so neat the way they remembered Coach Budge - after half-time all of the fans watching the game who had ever played football for Coach Budge went out to the field to welcome the team back to the field. Shawn and his brothers went out on the field, along with a bunch of other guys. Just last week at Chance's football game, Shawn was reminiscing with Coach Budge about some of his plays/interceptions that he had while playing for Bonneville. It's hard to believe the number of lives this man touched. I was reading the blog comments in response to an article about Coach Budge on, and not one person who commented had a bad thing to say about him. I've read a lot of blogs where comments have been ruthless - mean comments have been made about people who have died. This was not the case with the article about Coach Budge, and it was quite touching.

Coach Budge's death, in close proximity with the unexpected death of another friend's father, has me thinking about being prepared for the day when I will leave this earth. I only hope that I will be as prepared as these two great men were, because I do not believe they had an indication that their lives would be cut short. I am going to rededicate myself to making an effort to living each day to its fullest, and serving others, including, most importantly, my family. After all, that is what life is about.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

touch 'n' brush
I shouldn't admit this, but my kids watch informercials on Nick and are always telling me about things I need to buy, from "snuggies" to "bump its" for my hair. However, the one recurring item they have talked about has been "touch 'n' brush". Hannah said she wanted one for her birthday, which I thought was hillarious! Seriously, a toothpaste dispenser? Well, after seeing it in a catalog, I gave in and bought one for the bathroom. After I put it up, I told Chance it was for his birthday but that he had to share it with Hannah. (evil laugh) So far, not kidding, it's been his favorite present! It's a hit - I put it up yesterday and I bet between the two kids they've brushed their teeth 10 times in less than 24 hours.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

hannah's first day of preschool!
it's hard to believe she's old enough, but hannah had her first day of preschool today!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

flag football
Chance LOVES football! Such a difference from soccer. He said after his game on Thursday, "I didn't even look at you and dad the whole time, I was just concentrating on the game." Much different from soccer when he wanted to take breaks all of the time. But the one who is most excited is Shawn! He's been waiting almost seven years for the day that his son would play football and we could go to the games and cheer. It's been so fun!! Go Tigers!!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

uncle wayne
My Uncle Wayne is a member of the Osmond Brothers. He is married to my mom's sister, which makes him my uncle. No, there's no blood relation, which is why my smile doesn't dazzle and why I don't see Donny and Marie on a regular basis! Anyway, I wanted to post about him for a couple of reasons. First and funniest, because my kids are so fascinated by him. He is such a jokester - here he is at a family party. His shirt reads "I'm a fun guy" with a picture of a mushroom on it! Get it, "fungi"? haha I loved it!

At this particular party, Hannah runs over to me and whispers, "I want that guy up there to come down here and chase me." Why? I have no idea. So when Uncle Wayne climbs down, Hannah (who is usually shy around people she doesn't know very well) goes up to Uncle Wayne and asks him to chase her. Uncle Wayne had to decline because he has a bad knee, and he felt SOOO bad! It just made me laugh that she wanted him to chase her because it's really unlike her!

Chance has realized that Uncle Wayne is a performer. We took the kids down to one of the Osmond Brothers concerts down in Layton, and we told Chance that Uncle Wayne was singing. "What else does he do?" asks Chance. I reply, "Well, he plays the guitar, and he tells jokes." Chance pauses, then says, "Wait a minute. Uncle Wayne sings, plays the guitar, AND tells jokes? He's the whole show!!" Well, in our eyes, he is! Then Chance asked, "What does Uncle Wayne sing?" I said, "Well, he sings a lot of songs. I'll have to get one of his CD's and let you listen to it." Chance's eyes grow even larger than normal and he slowly says, "He has a CD!!???" He was amazed! So, to say the least, he had a great time at the concert. We were even able to go backstage afterward. I made sure to get a picture of Chance and Uncle Wayne together.

Lately, Chance has expressed to me his confusion - when he talks about his famous uncle to the neighbor kids, to his surprise, none of them have heard of the Osmond Brothers! He can't believe it. If you don't know about the Osmond Brothers or Wayne, click here for his website.

I had the opportunity to take my Uncle Wayne's picture for his new book, which came out on his birthday, August 28. I thought the picture I was taking was going to go on the back cover, likely in black and white, kind of as the "about the author" blurb. Here is how it turned out:

Augh! Cover shot? Scary! My cousin (Wayne's daughter) Amy published the book. It's available for sale on her site (click here) and I believe will also be available in LDS bookstores. I haven't read it yet but knowing Uncle Wayne, I'm sure it's entertaining!