Thursday, September 24, 2009

touch 'n' brush
I shouldn't admit this, but my kids watch informercials on Nick and are always telling me about things I need to buy, from "snuggies" to "bump its" for my hair. However, the one recurring item they have talked about has been "touch 'n' brush". Hannah said she wanted one for her birthday, which I thought was hillarious! Seriously, a toothpaste dispenser? Well, after seeing it in a catalog, I gave in and bought one for the bathroom. After I put it up, I told Chance it was for his birthday but that he had to share it with Hannah. (evil laugh) So far, not kidding, it's been his favorite present! It's a hit - I put it up yesterday and I bet between the two kids they've brushed their teeth 10 times in less than 24 hours.


EmWJ said...

My kids want one so badly too! That's hilarious that you got one, we should probably do it, they hate using the tube toothpaste.

Lindsay said...

i've never seen this thing before, but it looks awesome. i want to see you with a bump it.