Wednesday, November 05, 2008

So maybe this isn't particularly blog-worthy to some, but I was so excited today because I saved $109.00 at Smith's! Wahoo! It actually says that I saved $131.00, so I don't know where the $109.00 came from, but who cares! I'm still excited!

I know there are MANY couponers who will outdo me by a long-shot, but this was my first "real" attempt at purchasing things with coupons, other than toothpaste and fruit snacks. That said, I'm obviously not very good at this whole coupon thing, but I thought I'd try it today. My husband asked, "Well, did you get anything we can REALLY eat?" I was so happy because I could respond, "Yes!" Check out my prized receipt, should I frame it? I sadly had to cut it apart so it would fit on one page.

Also, because it's on my mind, I wanted to quickly post that although I did not personally vote for Barack Obama, I am going to do my very best to honor and respect President Obama as the leader of our country. He is (or will be come January 20) the president of my country, and although I know I will disagree with a large number of his policies and opinions, the fact that he is my president deserves respect. I felt so much pride today as I listened to the election results, and I thought about how wonderful our democratic election process is. No matter if the candidates for whom I voted won or lost, and as corny as it might sound, I feel very proud to be an American today.


Courtnie said...

Natalie, That is so exciting on the Smiths saving! It looks like you bought a ton of stuff!Now you make me want to try that!
By the way, great job on those pictures for the boys! Thanks a ton.

Lindsay said...

what! $131.00?? that is amazing! i was checking out your receipt and you got some awesome deals. you should be proud! frame it!

RichKids said...

You are such a sweetheart! Thanks for that positive note in this horribly negative "election" time! I agree that I will support our new president and be "proud to be an american"...and I want to be done with all the nasty emails about him destroying our world! And CONGRATULATIONS on your big savings! That is AWESOME! I am SO NOT a "couponer"...maybe someday.

Brooke said...

way to go on the coupons! You quickly on your way to becoming the next queen of couponing! ha time just let me watch the kids when you go. That way you can think when you're in the store.