Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This is Eddie, our new Yorkie! Isn't he cute? (I am discovering that dogs are not the easiest to photograph!) He is teeny - the picture doesn't really show how teeny he is. He fits into both of my hands. We picked him up from Provo yesterday. He is such a good, cuddly doggie! He slept in his doggie carrier all night long. On the other hand, I barely slept a wink because I was afraid he was cold, afraid he was going to die and my kids were going to be devastated, afraid of...who knows what. Can you say ANXIETY??

When I got him out of his carrier this morning, he had done his "business" all over the towel I had put in there for him and it was so GROSS! I don't know if I'm ready to potty train TWO kids! But oh well. I take him outside like every ten minutes because I'm so grossed out. Chance keeps asking, "Is this a dream, or do we really have a dog?" We have wanted a dog for a long time, so we are all very excited! We have not had a dog because I am allergic to them, but supposedly Yorkies are good dogs for allergy-prone folk like me to have. However, that does not mean that I have not had to take an Allegra like every 6 hours!


Lindsay said...

i love eddie already! he is SO cute!! it's a good thing you didn't get him while we were there i would have tried to take him home in my purse.
i can't believe you have a dog.

Courtnie said...

you got a dog? what were you thinking!!! no,he is so cute. how did you come up with the name Eddie? i bet your kids are going crazy! we will come see him cute! congratulations.

Anonymous said...

He is seriously the cutest! If you ever need a babysitter (for the puppy) let me know! jk- and your kids too...

Brooke said...

everyone in the neighborhood is making it harder for me to say no to the dog. my kids are begging! is it a coincidence that you and the brown's brought a puppy home the same day? :)

Lemon Annie said...

You are a braver woman than I! Cute dog.