Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's dangerous for me to have a blog, because I can voice my opinion for the world to hear! Here's my recent "two cents" -

I've heard that the airlines are considering weighing passengers in order to determine the price of their airline tickets. I read this on ksl.com a couple of weeks ago, and people were writing in and having an absolute fit! My question is this - what's the big deal? I think it's a great idea, mostly because I would love to have to pay less to have my kids fly on a plane. I've always thought it was weird that they didn't have kid fares, and that babies had to pay for a "seat" rather than just a "baby" fare. I'm sure if the airlines began a policy such as this, they probably wouldn't do it pound-for-pound, but probably like less than 50 pounds would $x, 51 to 100 pounds would be $x, etc. Don't you think that's a good idea? I think it's awesome! I think a kid takes up way less space than an adult, therefore a kid takes less gas to fly them somewhere, and shouldn't have to pay as much. People find this discriminatory, but I happen to think it's cool! What do you think?


Lindsay said...

I guess we better go on diets since we are flying so much! Ha ha just kidding. You are right it isn't fair that a kid's ticket should be the same price as an adult, since they weigh quite a bit less. Families with young kids would totally benefit!

Brooke said...

i agree that it would be awesome!

Lemon Annie said...

I think they should have a rate for kids and a rate for adults. There is no way in this letigous society that people will allow that. It is too close to being discriminatory.

Amy Osmond Cook said...

I love your comments, Nat! That's also a good way to diet =).