Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Courtnie had a fun party at her house for Family Home Evening on the Monday before Halloween. She had the table decorated SO CUTE and of course, my camera was in the car. By the time I got it out, the table was destroyed! (In a good way! The kids had a blast with it!) But she had dry ice, spiderwebs, these freaky looking goblets with gummy worms - it was SO cute and the kids thought it was sooo cool! We carved pumpkins and the kids played Bingo. We'll have to make it a tradition, it was really fun! (of course I can say that, it wasn't my house that was hit by a hurricane of pumpkin guts and everything else Halloween!!)

I was cleaning off the top of the fridge and found this fake money that I had bought for some random reason. I wanted to do something with it for my pumpkin for the neighborhood pumpkin contest this year. Shawn and I started talking, and don't ask me how, but Shawn came up with the idea of President Obama stealing money out of a working man's pants. Here's how it turned out:

Oh yeah, first place baby!! Yet again!!


Sandra Dubreuil said...

That pumpkin is hilarious! I LOVE it!

Lindsay said...

where did this pumpkin talent of yours come from? best one yet!

Brooke said...

every year I always say,"We have to beat the Redd's!" Once again, you are the pumpkin master!