Friday, September 03, 2010

4th and 24th of July!
(Yes, I realize it's September.)

We had our traditional 4th of July visit to the cabin and attended the traditional, little Star Valley carnival. It was held on Saturday the 3rd this year because the 4th fell on Sunday. There was an older lady at the carnival who was dressed as pirate supervising a treasure hunt. She scared Hannah a little bit because she snapped at Hannah for accidentally jumping into the treasure hunt when it wasn't her turn. But, like magic, cotton candy helped ease the pain!

Later on the 3rd, we set off fireworks at the nearby church. It was fun, but then we watched the longest fireworks show I've ever seen! I think instead of a grand finale they dragged out the entire show to last almost an hour. I'd be fine with watching a grand finale and then going home, so long fireworks shows are not my thing!

We had to make a traditional trip to Bubbas to get chicken wings for Chance and Shawn. We drove an hour up to Jackson and pulled into Bubbas, only to see a "For Sale" sign on the front of the building! Chance was DEVASTATED. He yells "WE DROVE ALL OF THE WAY UP HERE FOR NOTHING!!!!!" Shawn and I were trying not to laugh because it was sort of funny - we couldn't believe Bubba's wasn't there! We had been going there for years! We knew how excited Chance was for wings so we contained ourselves. Shawn asked an employee of the business next door what happened to Bubbas, and he pointed across the street. Phew. There was Bubbas in a brand new building! Chicken wing cravings were cured.

On our last day (Monday) we went golfing - I rode around in the cart while everyone golfed. It was pretty fun! I enjoyed just riding around watching everyone play, it was relaxing. Rags came with us to the cabin and was obsessed with Annie the entire time. Poor Annie didn't have a moment to herself. Rags was clinging to her leg "hugging" her the entire trip! It was quite a sight.

For the 24th of July we went to the Ogden Raptors baseball game. For some reason I have no pictures of this, but it was a lot of fun! First we met for dinner at Shawn's parents' house, which is always delicious but for some reason it is especially yummy in the summer. They do not disappoint by having fresh veggies from the garden! My favorite! Then we went to the game with Shawn's parents, Sarah and her cute friend, and Mark & Brooke's family. The game was entertaining (the home team wins! yay!) and the fireworks show afterward was PERFECT! Short, sweet, and spectatular. Chance was thrilled because after the game he was able to get autographs from the players on a baseball he brought. VERY cool to a seven-year-old. Did I mention the snowcones? I have been obsessed with snowcones lately. Mmmm, Tigers Blood. I think a Raptors baseball game might have to become our 24th of July tradition.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

i can actually hear chance saying "..for nothing?!!" in my head. so funny! you guys always do such fun activities and your pictures are so darling!