Friday, April 29, 2011


Second graders at North Ogden Elementary perform Shakespeare plays. Why? I have no clue. I didn't know about Shakespeare until seventh or eighth grade when we had to memorize some passages in English class! Never hurts to start early, I guess. One second grade class performed Macbeth, one class performed Romeo & Juliet, and one class put on a Midsummer Night's Dream. But Chance's teacher, Mrs. Filiaga, put a little twist on Shakespeare by having the kids learn certain Shakespearean sayings, what they mean, and what they mean to them. My favorite:

this lady (me) really does protest too much!!!

Shakespeare was indeed a "phrase maker!" Then, they sang songs about the sayings. It was really, really cute.

a few of the phrases

Chance was 'Mr. Redd', the assistant professor to Mr. Bennett (Quinn, his good friend). Chance had a large speaking part, most likely due to his ability to memorize. I was totally impressed, yet again, by this kid's memory. One of my favorite songs they sang was called "No Women." They sang this because Mrs. Filiaga's class had only eight girls in it – the rest boys!! It was entirely appropriate. Grandma Debbie, Grandpa Brad, Aunt Lindsay, Grandma April, Courtnie, Brielle, and Gracie all came to see Chance's play! What an awesome, supportive family we have!

Afraid of teenagers?? He should be. He and his friends yell at them as they walk home from school. I keep telling him they're going to get beat up one of these days.

Chance & Mrs. Filiaga (Amy)

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