Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Maybe I should put it this way, Chance has a "low pain tolerance". So does his mother. So when his top front tooth became loose, he wouldn't wiggle it, let alone allow someone to pull it out! It was cute at first, because he would tell me that he didn't want his teeth to fall out because he didn't want to grow up, and he wanted to live with me and Shawn forever. Awwwww. HOWEVER, when the tooth started turning GRAY (how gross!!!) I had to put my foot down. We had to get it out, especially before school starts! On Sunday (well, two Sundays ago), we had Papa Bryan pull out the trusty pliars. Shawn tried to to pull it out, but the thing wouldn't budge! After much kicking and screaming by Chance, we decided to have a professional do the job - Chance's hero Uncle Mark. During the operation, Mark discovered that not one, but two of Chance's front teeth were loose! I gave him the go ahead to yank both of them at once! I refuse to go through another gray tooth episode! Here are some before and after (and during!) pics of the ordeal.

I have to admit, I love that toothless grin!


Debbie said...

I am still laughing over the 2nd picture from the end with Mark smiling and Chance with his gauze. Talk about a contrast of expressions!

RichKids said...

LOL! Oh the tooth saga...TWO of my boys have had gray teeth since they were like two years old!!!! I was SO relieved when my Kayden got his permanent teeth and THEN he broke it!!! Boys.

Lindsay said...

how did i miss all these posts? that pic of chance with the guaze is priceless! i'm dying!