Thursday, April 30, 2009

Kid Stuff

I'm writing this random blog post for the sole reason that I do not want to forget! These kiddos are growing up right in front of me and I know I'm going to forget all of this funny stuff.

Hannah adds "ed" to the end of her words. It's not "jumped" - it's "jump-Ed." Dad "lett-Ed" me go outside. Grandma "fix-Ed" my hair. I "eat-Ed" my noodles. I'll have to add more after I hear her say them, it's funny! "Annie (Grandpa's dog) scratch-Ed me."

Immediately before bed, whenever Hannah has a clean nightgown to wear (she doesn't do this with regular jammies, only nightgowns) she carefully takes out her hair so it is "long", puts on her "bednight hair-band" (a silver, sparkly headband) and to top it all off, applies pink lipgloss. Right before bed and prayer. Then she shows Shawn, and waits for him to tell her how beautiful she looks. I love it.

Chance keeps telling me that he doesn't want to grow up, and that he wishes he could be a kid forever. In fact, he wishes he could go back to when he was two years old. I think he's brilliant. Most kids are dying to get big, but he's smart enough to realize just how good he has it.

Chance asked me how come daddy doesn't wear his wedding ring. I didn't have an answer. Shawn got out of the habit of wearing it when he was working in the shop and didn't want to have his finger ripped off while working on the machinery. Chance said that dad had better start wearing his ring because some girl might think he's cute and ask him out on a date. Then he commented how good dad is looking with his shirt off lately. (This is immediately following our trip to the gym.) ??? Then Chance proceeds to tell me how he wants big muscles and is going to avoid sugar and eat lots of protein. He then reads aloud every ingredient listed on his "Muscle Milk" and commends himself for choosing chocolate milk that is so very low in sugar. I'm not sure when he became so fascinated in food labels, but it's been over a year.

I'll have to keep posting these cute little things as they occur so I don't forget. My kids make me laugh every single day, I am so lucky.


Lindsay said...

oh nat, i am laughing so hard i have tears. your kids have the greatest personalities. i have been laughing about hannah and jedi-moroni for weeks!

Berrett Family said...

Funny stuff! You can tell Chance that boys never grow up their toys just get bigger, faster and unfortunately more expensive! That's why they have to work!

But remind him, When he gets married he has to share his toys.