Sunday, July 20, 2008

No, Chance didn't get into a fight and have his tooth knocked out - I pulled it out last night because it was loose! His first missing tooth! Can you believe it? The sweet tooth fairy left him four whole quarters! I was told by my sister-in-law Laura that this is the current going rate for the tooth fairy at their house... The other scrapes on his nose are from a bike accident that happened earlier in the week. Believe it or not, he looks a lot better than he did...that's an entirely different story that is too embarrassing to share. Let's just say that Chance does not have a very good mom.

Anyway, Chance made this cute tooth box out of a matchbox in preschool, and has had it carefully tucked away in his top drawer for a few months. He has been patiently awaiting the day that he would actually have a tooth to put inside of it!

I just keep thinking, how can I possibly be old enough to have a kid that is losing teeth??? Time flies!


Lindsay said...

holy cow chance is getting so old. it makes me want to cry! i know he was so excited to lose his first tooth. how cute that he has his own little box for it and everything. and btw i think you are the best mom! you are going to have to tell me that story later! ha ha

Sandra Dubreuil said...

I saw his tooth gone today at church and was so shocked!! Just yesterday at my house it was there:)!! He was very excited to tell me the story of you pulling it and the fact that the tooth fairy left him money! How fun...and how patient of him to save that little box. I think ours got destroyed the week it came home and was in the trash soon thereafter!