Wednesday, November 16, 2011

School Awards
Chance and Hannah both received an award from the school last week. Chance's teacher mentioned that when Chance was finished with his work, his nose was somewhere in a book. That reminded me of myself at that age! Hannah's teacher described her as a "model student." No bigger compliment than that one! I was so proud of both of them. Hannah and I were over at Grandma Debbie's and Grandpa Brad's, and I told them that Hannah got an award for being a "model student." My dad replied, "That deserves some money." He took out his wallet and gave Hannah a $5.00 bill, which Hannah very shyly accepted. That might not seem like too big of a deal, but I was immediately taken back in time to my Grandpa Dale - whenever he found out about something good we had done in school, he'd whip out his wallet and give us a dollar. Or, he'd take us in his room and let us pick out some quarters. We thought that was so awesome!! What a great memory.


Lindsay said...

i'm so proud of your kids, they are so smart. what a great memory about grandpa! i always loved when he would give me a dollar!

EmWJ said...

Oh what a great memory about Grandpa! I forgot he used to that! Glad to see you dad pass on that tradition.