Friday, September 03, 2010


You can tell this is my third baby because I still haven't posted to the world if it is a girl or a boy. Not that we love this baby any less, I guess I've just been preoccupied with trying to stay on top of the other two kids and everything else. So....drumroll's a BOY! We are super excited! The entire fam came to the ultrasound so we could find out together. After the nurse told us it was a boy, Hannah just kept asking Shawn, "So...what is it again?" Shawn would say, "It's a boy!" About two minutes later Hannah would repeat, "So...what is it again?" And Shawn would repeat, "It's a boy!" This back-and-forth conversation took place about five more times until we finally realized that Hannah knew what the baby was, the reality of it was not sinking in! The doctor asked Chance how he felt about the baby being a boy. Chance replied in his most adult, conversational voice, "Well, it's a win-win situation for me because if it was a girl, I got my own room back. And now that it's a boy, I have someone to play sports with." The doctor thought that was a great answer. I have to admit, I was pretty impressed with it myself. Needless to say, we are all so happy the baby is a boy. Shawn told me that our family needed one more boy, and I guess he was right!

After the ultrasound I took Hannah over to Old Navy and we picked out a baby boy outfit. She thought that was pretty cool. Ever since, she has been excited about the baby boy that is coming. She is always hugging and kissing my belly, and has named the baby Cody. Hannah always says, "I love this little guy!" and hugs me. A couple times ago after she hugged me, she asked, "Mom, does the baby grow back here too?" and patted my back. Hmm. Yes, I guess the baby does grow back there too. Ugh. This baby named Cody is a wild one, he moves and wiggles like CRAZY in my belly. I don't remember the other ones moving this much. I already have a feeling he's going to be a handful... The doctor commented, "You have an active one in there!" I was like, "tell me about it." I guess I'd rather have him be active than wonder if he was okay in there all of the time.


Berrett Family said...

Congrats! Another little boy will be so fun! Just tell Hannah that she'll get to be best friends with mom and get to do lots of girl stuff with ya. (That's prob. why i'm so close to my mom). =)

EmWJ said...

Congrats! I love Chance's answer, that's just classic. Aren't wiggles both the best (it's such a funny feeling) and the worst (too much feels so bruising). I'm so excited for you!

Lindsay said...

SO EXCITED!! look at that sweet little face!

lily wasn't much of a mover in my belly, and look at what a wiggle worm she is! i don't know that it matters, so don't be too scared!