Saturday, January 09, 2010

another successful christmas eve

Highlighted presents - leather blazer and camoflague vest for my dad, Joseph Smith book and piano light [to match the NEW PIANO! pictures to come...] for my mom, lots of money for we girls (husbands won't see much of that!), too-many-to-count pairs of shoes for Steph, Bella the dog, zhu zhu pets, barbies for the girls, circuit sets for the boys, and an exer-saucer for Lily.  And, of course, the award to the most romantic gift goes to MY HUSBAND!  Not to mention the most unexpected gift!  haha

Until next year...  egg nog, anyone?


Lindsay said...

nat you crack me up. christmas this year was definitely one to remember... have you mounted that star on your wall yet?

Berrett Family said...

aaaaahhhhhh! how sweet!