At this particular party, Hannah runs over to me and whispers, "I want that guy up there to come down here and chase me." Why? I have no idea. So when Uncle Wayne climbs down, Hannah (who is usually shy around people she doesn't know very well) goes up to Uncle Wayne and asks him to chase her. Uncle Wayne had to decline because he has a bad knee, and he felt SOOO bad! It just made me laugh that she wanted him to chase her because it's really unlike her!
Chance has realized that Uncle Wayne is a performer. We took the kids down to one of the Osmond Brothers concerts down in Layton, and we told Chance that Uncle Wayne was singing. "What else does he do?" asks Chance. I reply, "Well, he plays the guitar, and he tells jokes." Chance pauses, then says, "Wait a minute. Uncle Wayne sings, plays the guitar, AND tells jokes? He's the whole show!!" Well, in our eyes, he is! Then Chance asked, "What does Uncle Wayne sing?" I said, "Well, he sings a lot of songs. I'll have to get one of his CD's and let you listen to it." Chance's eyes grow even larger than normal and he slowly says, "He has a CD!!???" He was amazed! So, to say the least, he had a great time at the concert. We were even able to go backstage afterward. I made sure to get a picture of Chance and Uncle Wayne together.
Lately, Chance has expressed to me his confusion - when he talks about his famous uncle to the neighbor kids, to his surprise, none of them have heard of the Osmond Brothers! He can't believe it. If you don't know about the Osmond Brothers or Wayne, click here for his website.
I had the opportunity to take my Uncle Wayne's picture for his new book, which came out on his birthday, August 28. I thought the picture I was taking was going to go on the back cover, likely in black and white, kind of as the "about the author" blurb. Here is how it turned out:
Augh! Cover shot? Scary! My cousin (Wayne's daughter) Amy published the book. It's available for sale on her site (click here) and I believe will also be available in LDS bookstores. I haven't read it yet but knowing Uncle Wayne, I'm sure it's entertaining!
Natalie, that is a great picture! You are so talented. Your blog is hilarious by the way. Your kids are crack ups!
That's incredible!! Way to go Nat. What a fun Uncle to have in the fam:)
WAY TO GO, baby!!! You deserve to have the covershot, your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!!
Wow! You're famous!
That is seriously cool. I had no idea you were related to him. Definately something to be proud of to have that picture you took as the cover shot...way to go girl. Now you can say your photography has been published..hee hee. Fun to catch up. I've been slacking lately to on the "blog stalking".
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