Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Hannah's dance mania...

Now that Hannah is dancing on a competition team at Energy Dance Co., she is super busy with dance!  She dances two days per week for 2 1/2 hours per day.  On top of that, she learns an extra dance and performs as a solo.  She always does so well on stage, and her facials are hilarious!

At one of the competitions, Hannah entered a dance-off.  You had to pay an entry fee, then the best dancer to improvise and make up dances won everybody's entry fee.  I told Shawn not to let Hannah enter because I did not think she would win and I thought it would be a waste of money.  Well..... of course I was not there, and Hannah won the whole contest!!  Hilarious!!  She was thrilled!

As part of the dance competitions, I entered Hannah's picture into the cover girl competition.  Same as last year.  There were six winners who got their names printed in the program, and Hannah was the sixth!  She's such a cutie.  She was also put on the cover of Energy's dance advertisement along with her friend Trinity Citte!

This year, Hannah performed her solo to Let it Go!  from Frozen.  She never placed queen in the solo competitions, but I thought she did a wonderful job.  I love watching her dance!!  She is really improving and getting good at tumbling too!  I'm so proud of her and her hard work.

This year, we also took a trip down to Tuachan in St. George where the Energy teams attended dance workshops and performed.  We had a nice dinner each night, and then saw a play each night.  We saw The Little Mermaid and The Wizard of Oz.  The plays were amazing!!  I had a fun mother-daughter trip with Miss Hannah.