Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day of School!!

The kids were very excited for their first day of school! A little nervous, but excited. Hannah's first grade teacher is Mrs. Romer, and Chance's third grade teacher is Mrs. Garner. Chance was nervous about Mrs. Garner until we attended back to school night and he discovered that Mrs. Garner is a BYU fan!

They both had a wonderful first day. I'm so glad their teachers made their first day experience a good one. I think it sets the tone for the rest of the year. Hannah's first day reaction was that her teacher "is really nice, but has a high voice. But that's okay." ?? For some reason, it has become one of my very favorite highlights of my life to follow the kids into their classroom on their first day and take a picture of them. Especially of Chance. Probably because of the reaction I receive as demonstrated below, hee hee {evil laugh}...

Friday, August 05, 2011

Wind Rivers

Shawn decided that it was time for Chance to take a trip to the Wind Rivers. It has been a tradition in the Redd family for the boys to go to the Wind Rivers as soon as they turn eight. Shawn and I were also hoping that the trip would toughen Chance up a little bit. Sometimes he gets a little whiny and wimpy. I don't mean that rude, but he sometimes makes a big deal out of things that aren't that major. The morning they left, Shawn announced, "We're leaving as boys and returning as men!" Shawn's mom told me that her boys always had great memories of the Wind Rivers, and as youth, expressed to her that they preferred that trip over a professional football game and Disney World! Anyway, the trip was a success for our family as well. Shawn and Chance hiked nine miles in to camp with heavy packs on their backs, slept in tents, and ate only the food that they carried in. Chance's pack was about 15 pounds and Shawn's pack was about 60 pounds. So in reality, Shawn carried 75 pounds because he ended up helping Chance with his pack most of the way in! But on the way out, Chance carried his own pack and was the first one back to the trucks! Shawn didn't mind carrying Chance's pack, as he insists he's in the "best shape of his life" and enjoyed the hike because he didn't even get a bit tired. I was proud of both of them! They went up with some people in our ward, the Petersens (Colton, Hayden, father Kelly and grandfather Randy Prisbrey). Shawn told me that the day after they arrived, he and Chance woke up early to go fishing. Chance kept telling Shawn that he didn't feel good. He said he was sick and wanted to go back to camp. Shawn finally gave in and took Chance back to camp. Chance fell asleep and did not wake up until 6:00 p.m. that evening! He woke up, had dinner, and slept the entire night into the next day! He was exhausted to say the least!!! But, the next day, Chance got up bright and early and asked, "Hey, when are we goin' fishin?"

Shawn in his makeshift hat that he conjured up to keep the mosquitoes off of his neck! He HATES mosquitos, and they were extra bad up there this year because of all of the moisture we have had. Isn't it cute? I laughed so hard. It looks just like something his dad would create.