The Saturday before Mother's Day, Shawn stayed home with the kids while I went outside BY MYSELF and went on a walk/jog. The weather was beautiful and it was so nice to be outside and exercise. I have really been lacking in my exercise, and so it felt EXTRA good. Then, I treated myself to a pedicure, and bought myself an orchid. I love orchids because they are hard to kill! This particular orchid requires that you water it with three ice cubes per week in order to keep it alive. I can handle that!! I got home from my Mother's Day celebration around 1:30 p.m., and informed Shawn that I had just had the best Mother's Day ever because of those hours alone! It was so rejuvenating and relaxing. I later thought, it's ironic that what made my Mother's Day so wonderful was the fact that I avoided all of my motherly duties! Ha! That night, Shawn and I went to dinner at Sonora Grill (my favorite) and then to see the movie Thor. Thor was kind of lame, but for some reason I really wanted to see it. Then, when we got home, Shawn asked, "Is THIS why you wanted to see Thor?" He shoves a Diet Dr. Pepper can in my face. On every Diet Dr. Pepper can there is advertising for Thor! I guarantee that advertising got me subliminally!! ha!! On Sunday, I received great gifts from the kids, as usual. Homemade gifts and pictures are just priceless to me.
After church, we had dessert at my mom's house, then went to Matt & Courtnie's house for dinner! A little bit backwards, but it was fun. April & Bryan's house is under construction due to some remodeling they are doing to their kitchen, so we have been at Matt & Courtnie's a lot lately. They have a great house for entertaining. I promised them that once the weather cooperated, we would have the get-togethers at our house in the backyard!