Monday, December 15, 2008

Mini Vacation!

We stayed overnight in SLC for a couple nights this weekend. A few highlights:

Riding TRAX, although not apparantly a highlight in this picture...

Seeing the nativity scene on the reflection pond. I thought this was so awesome. I was trying to get a really good (centered) picture but some dude had his camera tripod set up right in the middle attempting to capture the same thing. So my picture is off center, but whatever.

The shephards and the donuts that a Young Women's group us.

The big tree in the Joseph Smith Building and hot chocolate.

Perfectly pointed toe while swimming. I posted a similar picture back in the summer. Synchronized swimming in her future? haha

An almost-tragedy - I forgot her jammies!!! Almost as bad as forgetting her 'gee gee'! Luckily after about 15 minutes I was able to talk her into wearing mine! And if you haven't noticed, sticking out tongues for pictures was another theme of the trip.

My macho man finally putting his head underwater. This only took him four years to accomplish.

And the same young man carrying around the list of television channels from the hotel everywhere we went. ?? He could hardly wait to get back and turn the TV to Nickelodeon. What made it even worse was when he discovered the Nintendo 64 controller hooked to the back of the TV!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Tree Tag!
This one is fun - post a picture of your Christmas tree! I thought this was a great idea because everyone goes to so much work to put up the tree(s) but not everyone gets to see them. So, here they are. First the famous fishing trees in our fishing room:

and the fancy-schmancy tree in the living room:

For a long time we only had the fishing trees! It was kind of weird when people asked if we had decorated our tree for Christmas. I'd have to say, "well, trees..." and then explain. But I thought they were cute!

And I want to add another tag - an ornament tag. Post a picture of your favorite/most special ornament and tell about it. I'm going to tag Ellie in advance for that one! haha That will be my next post.

Anyway, I tag Lindsay, Jill, Brooke (both Brookes!), Jackie, Courtnie, and Candace for the Christmas Tree tag! And I tag anyone else who wants to post something cool. Ready, go!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Merry Christmas

Send your own ElfYourself eCards