Thursday, September 25, 2008

So I guess one of the problems with blogging is that once in awhile you get "tagged." Tagged? Hmm...thanks Brooke! haha Normally I would ignore something like this, but the tag was actually kind of a funny one. I am supposed to list six quirks about myself. My disclaimer to the following quirks is as follows: Almost all of my quirks can be blamed on my mother! haha! (I love you Mom.)

1. Number one is definitely the fact that I CANNOT STAND to smell like food! Especially breakfast food or anything fried. Bacon, toast, and anything else that could possibly make my hair or clothes smell like food must be cooked outside on the grill.

2. Related to number one, I CANNOT STAND to smell like a campfire! While I'm camping it's fine, but as soon as we walk in the door to home sweet home, anything and everything that was near a campfire while camping is immediately washed!!

3. I do not like misspelled words or poor grammar, and I am not afraid to correct it so watch out!

4. I do not like to be late, and I would almost rather not show up at all than be late.

5. I love Sudoku. The more I think about this one I wonder - is it quirky, or just nerdy?

6. I truly love and still sleep with my baby blankie. Should I really admit that?

7. Oh, and a bonus one. I do not like when fruit has been cooked. Fruit is meant to be served in it's natural state, preferably chilled. Not warmed and served as some dessert or poultry topping.

I tag Lindsay, Courtnie, Ellie, and Jill!

Monday, September 22, 2008

So my husband is a soccer-hater, but I happen to think it's great for a six-year-old! Qualities gained from soccer include learning to play on a team, exercise, practice...what's wrong with soccer? Plus, the uniforms are so cute!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Hannah started taking dancing lessons this week with her best buddies from the neighborhood. She was SOOO excited! It is too cute to watch a class full of three and four-year-olds dance! She started to cry when we had to leave, but I promised her she could return next week. For a few months now, she has been telling me that when she grows up she wants to be a "real ballerina," so to say the least, dance class is like a dream come true for her!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Chance's first day of kindergarten has finally arrived! "Excited" is an understatement - he was absolutely thrilled to go to school! Last night before bed I asked him, "Now, what do you do when your teacher asks you a question?" He replies, "I raise my hand." And I said, "Right. Don't shout out the answer if you know it." Then you could just see the wheels turning in his head, and he exclaims, "I'd better start practicing my math!" Then he mutters to himself, "2+2 is 4. 4+4 is 8." He wanted to be sure he knew all of the answers. I assured him that on his first day of kindergarten there probably weren't going to be too many difficult questions, but leave it to Chance to be as prepared as possible!

new school shoes!
it was like torture for him to wait to wear these until today...

These two cuties came with me to walk Chance into school on his first day...